Estee Lauder Companies Staff Sales 2007

I know many people chase me about the estee lauder companies staff sales tickets, everyone getting so exciting to sapu all those cheap perfumes & cosmetics. As you wish, i got 30 Estee Lauder Companies Staff Sales invitation cards on my hand, i don’t plan to mail those cards this year, so please come and collect from me :P, and i will set date and time to meet up on weekend, normally weekday got work rite? Although i still job-less now… lol

Estee Lauder Companies Staff Sales invitations card

So, if you guy’s interest on it, kindly email me or leave your comment here. I prefer msn, it is easy for us to meet up and max 4 ticket per each person. This time maybe last time i can offer u all invitation tickets, as i might cant get it coming year.
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Pikom PC Fair 2007 @ KLCC Convention Center

Dam busy last week, as i have to clean up my room, settle all those small small headache things. For example repair both my computers, as i have download too many porn until computers spoil. Yes! both 2 of my computer attacked by sohai ad-spyware, seriously! Finally, i fixed it and back to normal now, i can blog, and photo edit on it!

1st of all i like to wish Dan happy birthday, and sorry i cant attend your birthday party @ Ruums last saturday night… Sorry ya dai ko! 2nd sorry for those PC Fair beauties, i not yet edit those photo and i will send to you all as soon as possible( if not mistaken can got it by tomorrow), hehe…

KLCC Skyline
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U-Village Lunch, Sg. Wang

When free free nothing to do, or busy got something to do at Low Yat there( i act as computer support on school, and i have to walk over Low Yat computer shop as expected), i sure will ask those sohai cibai come out lunch gather when i have passby Low Yat Plaza. This fella i knew for 4 years long, maybe more longer, quite close and best friends la…

U-Village Sg Wang Foods Menu

Jelson New O2 PDA Phone
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