Happy New Year 2008

Wow, last day of year 2007, kinda headache to decide where to hanging out with my gang later, so anyone have a great suggestion? I have made big change on my life this year, i have try so many many things that i never tried before! I would like to thanks my gf min yin, for taking care me for so many years, and of course those devils who brought me a lot of fun, and many long wild night! Of course, i wont forget those da kei golden hour with u all! Beside that, i want to thanks for those baba, mama, jie jie, yie yie as well, glad to know all of u guys, and really enjoy photoshooting n talk cock with u guys! Special thanks Hung Wei for fetching me here n that for my little black roadtax renewal! Muakz!

eye of malaysia

Ok, wish u all Happy New Year 2008, be healthy, be Happy, be pretty and be handsome lol BYE!!!!

Mayday Mini Concert at Sungei Wang Plaza Roof Car Park

After Hunks Together 2007, we rush to the sungei wang plaza roof car park for Mayday 五月天 event. Crowd of people over there and these fella dam high on Mayday performance! Although it was rainy, but still nothing can affect them to leaving away. Yes, this is my 1st time watch Mayday performance & photo shooting them too.

mayday concert

We reach there quite late, and yet performance going to finish soon so we shoot not much of photos, perhaps we can attend earlier next time if Mayday have come to malaysia again! Members include myin, fattien, lynn & Nkwai, then we rush for yum cha after Mayday mini concert finish!

Ok, let’s keep it short & easy k? Enjoy the picture…
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Bonita Runway Of Inspiration Fashion Show Cat Walk Pavilion KL

Here comes my 1st part of Pavilion Runway Of Inspiration Fashion Show series, & this was my very 1st fashion show cat walk photo shooting! Of course i’m not official photographer la!!! I think most of you knew Bonita, you can bought cheap & worth girls deco accessories from there, simple easy & nice design! My girl friend used to bought most of her necklaces, ear rings, rings from Bonita. So you can imagine how great business they having now, and now they got brand new outlet over Pavilion shopping center, still Bonita products cheaps as other branches. And, i noticed a lot of new design over there too!

Let’s come back to Bonita Fashion show story, i reach Pavilion there about 7pm plus, cat walk event start on 8pm sharp. Many people surround the cat walk stage, and many photographer standby as well. I’m one of them, most of these photographer from pro site, freelancer, or snap for fun i guess. Lucky still got nice spot for me, got 1 super genius who used 50mm f1.8 lens with auto mode come in front of me during photo shoot preparations, and he block me… Ok, fine i change left a bit due to crowd of photographer, but then this genius come block my view again! How lame…
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