The Begin of September 08

September 08, nothing special for me still heavy workload month for me to rush few of the photo shooting season. Recently, been busy to setup a photography team with few of good friends, blessing all stuffs able to up soon. Like usual weekend, spent my time on photo shoot as well. Let’s have some quite and simple photo sharing…

Bikini Party, Sunway Pyramid

After a long, tired & boring day job, i’m awake after shooting at sunway pyramid. Special thanks to HungWei to spreading this event news, unfortunately he sleep like pig that time wuakakakakakakakaka!!!! Hmm… dunno why i just lazy to type so many word here as very tired already. So just few of these photo 1st…

miss astro chinese international pageant

miss astro chinese international pageant

miss astro chinese international pageant

miss astro chinese international pageant

As i stand behind the video camera, i’m wonder is my flash annoy them during video shooting. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks!