Food Carnival @ Jalan Davidson

Okie, it happen by 2day morning 8:30am @ my working place- Davidson School. These event formed purposely to improve student skill set on making business… I guess la, as they hv to write a report after these carnival, and each lv 6 class must participated!

Just thinking, tatic of teaching totally different with mine… coz teacher never ask me make business wa, if yes i think i become rich ppl oladi~~ haha… So as usual i hv to take some photo & video here, as one of profile(i think i got over 50 profile oladi, but no time to manage it, pity!)

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My Blog was borned finally

Haha…so happy tat my blog was borned when i 23 years old birthday (25/10/2005), this year didnt celebrate gao gao becoz i dun have much much $$$, save for next year lo~~~keke. Since older 1 more year, i come out a lot of plan in order to reach my new aim, like buy my kenari car, earn small $$$ and etc.

My official site will launch as soon as possible, anyway thanks for chua helping me to setup my blog n oso my gf blog. I hope i can earn wat i wan n success wat i suppost to do with-in this year, of course happy always, haha…. XD

Hari Raya & depavali coming soon lo, so wish all of u Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Depavali~~~